Shelley Video

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Pruitt Adoption Fundraiser


We recently created a video for some friends of ours from King’s Cross Church in Greensboro. They are planning to adopt from Colombia and are trying to raise money to help make that possible. They are a wonderful family and we are so excited for them to add one more to it.


I went over one afternoon to film everything for the video. They started with lunch. Most of the shots of the kids smiling and laughing came from some games they were playing at the table. They took turns thinking of an animal from the Greensboro Science Center while everyone else asked questions to figure out what it was.

After lunch, they played in their backyard, colored on their porch with chalk, and took a short stroll down the street.

During naptime, we shot Eric and Bre’s interview.


At the end of the video, you see a couple of Spanish phrases that the Pruitts have been using to think describe this adoption for their family: “Creciendo a seis y creciendo en amor,” which means “Growing to six and growing in love.”

The actual end of the video is a blooper that lets you get a glimpse of how fun the Pruitts are to be around. Eric was very eloquently wrapping up everything he had to say, except he just couldn’t figure out how to end it. It was his idea to keep that in the final video, so I tacked it on to reward anyone who watched it all the way through.

You can watch the video here and then read their post below... and I hope you have a great rest of your day!


...and we need your help. Please watch this video to hear our story and about how you can be part of this journey with us!

Ways you can help:

1. Give a one-time donation at

2. Share this post! Your network is bigger than ours alone and although you may not be able to give, there may be someone you know who has a heart for adoption and would love to donate.

3. Consider planning a fundraiser with your people on our behalf, then reach out so we can help! It could be as simple as a bake sale, cook out, movie night, asking for a proceeds day from a local carwash or Chick-Fil-A, etc.

4. Attend our fundraiser (more details to come)

5. PRAY. Pray for us and with us throughout this process. It's a long road and the Lord has been leading us mercifully but we know it won't always be smooth or easy.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

The Pruitts